under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
Can You Feel The Love?
by OneFingerSalute injust heard of an experience that proves what i have thought all along about the unique type of love in the jdubya religion.. an elderly, handicapped jdubya acquaintance was traveling alone through the mid-west recently and found themselves stranded in denver, colorado due to dangerous road conditions.
not knowing anyone, and having no way to get from place to place on their own they made a number of phone calls.
finally they were able to get in contact with an oh so christian "sister" who had with her husband spent many decades in bethel.
under the radar
DOC hit the nail on the head. I think they were afraid the stranded guy might want something more than directions to the Kingdom Hall. Can't be too careful, ya know... -
EXJW's in Mensa?
by Luther bertrand inany exjw's or faders out there in mensa?
any online groups for this niche?
under the radar
Many years ago, when I was trying to get my first airline job, I took the test and joined Mensa because I thought it would differentiate my application and perhaps get me an interview. I'm no brainiac. I've just read books on various topics over the years and apparently have a fairly good memory and know how to take tests well. I only went to two or three meetings before I decided it wasn't my cup of tea. Most of the members in my area really were the nerdy absent-minded professor type and I found it hard to follow some of their conversations.
Pretty soon thereafter, a career counselor warned me that some airlines might view being in Mensa as a negative. That's because the stereotypical Mensa member often finds it hard to accept the monotony and routine that is the reality of most airline flying. They tend to develop personal shortcuts and develop "better ways" of doing things on their own. That may be fine in academia or research, but it can be disastrous in aviation. Since airline pilots are pretty much interchangeable with any other company pilot assigned the same seat in the same type aircraft, it is essential that each one follows the same procedure the same way every time. Each pilot must know what to expect from any other pilot in a given situation. Extremely highly intelligent people tend to have trouble adapting to the highly structured, thoroughly regimented and procedure-oriented aspects of the job and the long stretches of monotony that airline flying involves.
Anyway, I dropped any mention of Mensa in my airline applications and eventually got hired. I've been flying commercially now for over 30 years.
As for the ex-JW aspect, I never mentioned my flirtation with Mensa to anyone other than family, but I've been told several times that I'm "too smart for [my] own good." Whatever that means. I think it was just a way to avoid answering my questions that challenged the way they were told to think. I came to realize that I couldn't in good conscience teach others things I didn't believe myself, so I just quit, pretty much cold-turkey.
Daughter FINALLY escaped!
by MindBlown666 inwow....has it been a while!
i hope many of you are doing good!
it's awesome to see many of you holding strong, and keeping the site going!.
under the radar
I am so happy for you! Actually, congregations to you both! -
"Always submit to the Church Administration", everybody sing it now!!
by WingCommander inhere's a wonderfully sickening video from another cult, the "church of christ".
have a listen and tell me if it doesn't remind you of a certain familiar jw tune, namely, "listen, obey, and be blessed!
this is crazy, just crazy!
under the radar
That is so sickening!!! It's nothing other than blatant (brazen?) propaganda clearly designed to brain-wash children into having blind faith in and unquestioning obedience to their self-appointed leaders. The Nazis took a similar approach and were wildly successful for a time. The Watchtower is trying to do the exact same thing, albeit not quite so in-your-face (yet). Disgusting! -
Hey from Ohio
by sissyb inhello all - i most likely won't post too often but want to introduce myself.
i've read this board for a long time and feel like i know some of you!
i was a third gen born-in (ne ohio), and half-heartedly believed until i was in middle school.
under the radar
Welcome back aboard! I'm very happy that things worked out so well for you. It's great that your dad acknowledges he was wrong to make you leave, and that you can have a (pretty much) normal relationship with him. Congratulations! -
inquiring mind has 3 questions
by OutsiderLookingIn injust a few questions from a newbie.
answer one or as many as you want.
1. why cleaners?
under the radar
I think most everyone would agree that cleaning is an honorable profession and those practicing it deserve to be respected and appreciated for the services they perform. It is good honest work and should not be denigrated or sneered at by anyone. Not everyone can be a brain surgeon or find a cure for cancer.
On this site, when the terms "cleaner, janitor, window cleaner" and the like are used in a pejorative sense or belittling manner, it is not because we think such work is "beneath us" or that we are somehow "better" if we happen to have more prestigious jobs. It is used to convey the thought that one who is only qualified to do such work is not qualified to counsel others about major life decisions, or make decisions themselves that have long-lasting and potentially devastating effects on others. They are not qualified to act as counselors or advisors in any professional sense simply because they do not have the education, training, and experience to do so. They can only apply a labyrinthine set of ever-changing rules and interpretations promulgated by their masters in New York, often at their direct bidding. To the faithful JW, they are perceived to have great authority and "godly wisdom," but their lack of specific training in counseling or any in-depth knowledge of human psychology leads to very uneven application of even their own rules and sometimes downright horrific outcomes for those turning to them for guidance.
It may be unfair and unkind to use the terms to imply such connotations, but I don't think it's done maliciously. Maybe it's just an unfortunate "shortcut" to make a point, however crudely.
Just my 2ยข worth...
The Demons were messing with me last night!
by olongapo joe inso said my pops one morning.
we were visiting my sister in eastern tennessee and the night before after everyone else went to bed pops was watching tv when all of a sudden and completely on it's own the tv changed to the tonight show, holy smokes!!
must be demons cause pops didn't change it!
under the radar
You faithless heathens! Don't you fools realize that all this really WAS the demons? They just planted some "logical" explanation to throw you off the track! Just like they planted all the dinosaur bones and fossils so they would eventually be discovered and undermine people's faith in the big J-dog.
There are none so blind as those who will not see... whatever hoo-haa the superstitious simpletons are selling the gullible now.
Witnesses killed my friend today.
by WasOnceBlind intoday has been a horrible day.
what began as a day of joy finding out that one of my lifelong friends had her baby, turned into a nightmare when her brother called me to let me know she had passed away after birth.
i was in shock and didn't ask how.
under the radar
This is so sad and tragic. And entirely pointless and avoidable. I abhor the self-righteous and self-aggrandizing Dictators of Doctrine who coerce their minions into dying rather than questioning their ever-changing interpretations of scattered passages from a Bronze Age book of Jewish fairy tales. -
The Hermit's story PART 2
by The Hermit inmy father is a fast learner.
he studied hard and he was really interested.
real hard.
under the radar
"It's a miracle! The big J-dog caused that sweet little sister to stomp on his foot to draw attention to the malignant tumor silently growing there so it could be removed in time. Surely, this is just another example of the life-saving work of his people in this time of the end. Aren't we all moved to exert ourselves even more in praising his holy name?" clap-clap-clap-clap-clap-clap-clap... ad nauseum
Seriously, Mr. Hermit, thank you so much for posting your story. Really looking forward to reading the rest. You have quite a gift for story-telling.
wt 8/15/03: Easing Nature - Is it for Christians?
by Scully ineasing nature is it for christians?
easing nature the very phrase itself brings to mind the odious product of this activity.
yet, many people have the understanding that this natural bodily function is a practice in which true christians may engage.
under the radar
Scully, Scully, Scully... That was GREAT!
I'm sending links to all my ex-JW friends. Thanks for making my morning so much fun.